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How to Coach Yourself
The Conscious Creator's Guide to Self-Coaching
Session 1
Who Am I?
Session 1: Exercise 1: Pre-Sleep Request Technique
Session 1: Exercise 2: Blending With Your Higher Self
Session 1: Exercise 3: Your Essence
Session 2
What Do I Want?
Session 2: Exercise 1: Dreams and Desires
Session 2: Exercise 2: Emotional Grid
Session 2: Exercise 3: Contrast to Clarity
Session 3
Why Do I Want It?
Session 3: Exercise 1: Identify Your Values
Session 3: Exercise 2: Values Definition
Session 4
What's My Vision?
Session 4: Exercise 1: Unfinished Sentences
Session 4: Exercise 2: Your Personal Mission Statement
Session 4: Exercise 3: Tell a New Story
Session 5
What Is Stopping Me?
Session 5: Exercise 1: Explore Your Beliefs
Session 5: Exercise 2: Practice Mindfulness
Session 5: Exercise 3: Celebrate Your Successes
Session 6
What Am I Willing To Do To Get It?
Session 6: Exercise 1: Meditation
Session 6: Exercise 2: EFT Tapping
Session 7
What Do I Need To Change?
Session 7: Exercise 1: Replacing Negative Self-statements with Positive Self-statements
Session 7: Exercise 2: What Went Well
Session 7: Exercise 3: Positive Affirmations
Session 8
What Is My Action Plan?
Session 8: Exercise 1: Setting Intentions
Session 8: Exercise 2: Alignment Practice Plan
Session 9
Who Supports Me?
Session 9: Exercise 1: Connect With Your Invisible Support Team
Session 9: Exercise 2: Establish Your Dream Team
Session 10
Who Has Done This Before Me?
Session 10: Exercise 1: Inspiration
Session 10: Exercise 2: Who do you most admire?
Session 11
How Am I Doing?
Session 11: Exercise 1: Assessment Questions
Session 11: Exercise 2: Success Board
Session 12
I Can Do It!
Session 12: Exercise 1: Successful Achievement Award
Session 12: Exercise 2: Moving Forward Visualization
Who Am I?
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